February 2024. From left: Mark van der Giezen, Katrine Michelsen Kirkeby, Karlijn van Dijk, Hedvig Svensson, Yohannes Seyoum, Vera Sideraki, Rey Toleco, Chikwe Chukwudiegwu Mbachu, and Luz Martinez Contreras (absent: Ankana Banerjee and Jonathan Særvoll Heidema.
Dr Mark
van der Giezen
Professor of Biological Chemistry
My research mainly focusses on intestinal microbiology and adaptations to the environmental conditions in the animal gut. The topic of my Ph.D. at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) and subsequent postdoc at the Natural History Museum (London, UK) focussed on rumen microbes that play an important role in animal nutrition. The topic shifted partly to human intestinal parasites during my postdoc at Royal Holloway, University of London (UK). During my lectureship (~Assistant Professor) at Queen Mary, University of London (UK), research focussed on biochemical adaptations to life without oxygen as found in the intestine. I moved to the University of Exeter (UK) in 2007 as Senior Lecturer and became an Associate Professor of Evolutionary Biochemistry. In Exeter, my work partly moved back to how microbes play important roles in livestock and the role of the microbiome on animal health. I became Theme Lead for Aquatic Diseases for the new Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture Futures in 2017 because of my growing interest in disease in aquaculture. Since Summer 2019, I am a Professor of Biological Chemistry at the Centre for Organelle Research at the University of Stavanger in Norway. Here, I continue my research on important human and animal parasites and have established strong research links with the academic hospital in Stavanger.
CV Mark van der Giezen
Postdoctoral scientists
Dr Yohannes Seyoum (yohannes.s.demissie{at}uis.no).
This project will bring together expertise in intestinal disease, clinical histopathology and intestinal molecular microbiology. Stavanger University Hospital has been involved in several clinical trials (led by clinician Tore Grimstad) aimed at understanding inflammatory bowel disease, treatment and improving quality of life.
This project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council
and jointly supervised by Professor Emiel Janssen and Professor Tore Grimstad (Stavanger University Hospital).
Dr Vera Sideraki (vera.siderak{at}uis.no). Oomycetes are a large group of protists that include various pathogens of crops and animals. I am interested how mitochondrial biochemical peculiarities can be exploited to tackle these diseases. Using a combination of molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology I will work on the fish parasite Saprolegnia parasitica.
This project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and is a collaboration with Professor Pieter van West at the Univeristy of Aberdeen.
MitchellRey Toleco, PhD student
(mitchellrey.toleco{at}uis.no). Research is focussed on mitochondrial biochemical peculiarities of the human intestinal parasite Blastocystis which is found in the gut of many people around the world. This project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and is a collaboration with Professor Edmund Kunji in Cambridge, Dr. Tasos Tsaousis in Canterbury, and Professor Pieter van West in Aberdeen.
Ankana Banerjee, PhD student
(ankana.banerjee{at}uis.no). This project will bring together expertise in intestinal disease, clinical histopathology and intestinal molecular microbiology. Stavanger University Hospital has been involved in several clinical trials (led by clinician Tore Grimstad) aimed at understanding inflammatory bowel disease, treatment and improving quality of life.
This project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
Karlijn van Dijk, PhD student
(***.***{at}uis.no). Will start soon.
Jeff Tomiak, PhD student
(***.***{at}uis.no). Will start soon and placed at the Staten Serum Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, with collaborator Dr. Rune Stensvold.
Marie Pažoutová, PhD student
(***.***{at}uis.no). Will start soon and placed at the Institute of Parasitology in Ceske Budejovie, Czechia, with collaborators Dr. Martin Kolísko and Dr. Kateřina Jirků.
Petra Tláskalová, PhD student
(***.***{at}uis.no). Will start soon and placed at the Institute of Parasitology in Ceske Budejovie, Czechia, with collaborators Dr. Martin Kolísko and Dr. Kateřina Jirků.
Research technician
Luz Martinez Contreras, research technician
(la.martinezcontreras{at}stud.uis.no). Luz is a molecular biologist with biomedical research experience and supports the team and helps with our students.
Chikwe Chukwudiegwu Mbachu, MSc student
Veterinary Microbiology (cc.mbachu{at}stud.uis.no). This is a joint project with the veterinary unit from NMBU in Sandnes. We are interested to develop better diagnostics for common bacterial pathogens in the Norwegian pig industry.
Luz Martinez Contreras, Also an MSc student
Molecular Parasitology (la.martinezcontreras{at}stud.uis.no). This is a joint project with the veterinary unit from NMBU in Sandnes to assess gastrointestinal microbiome of production animals.
Dr Martin Watson. Former postdoc (2020-2022), now researcher at Stavanger University Hospital, Norway.
Dr Eva Pyrihová. Former postdoc (2020-2023), now researcher at the Institute of Biotechnology, Prague, Czechia.
Gillian Tawse. Former MSc-student (2022-2023).
Ine Holand. Former MSc-student (2022-2023).
Marthe Tofthagen. Former MSc-student (2021-2022), now PhD student at OsloMet, Norway.
Dr Franziska Trusch. Former postdoc (2021-2022). Now postdoc at Imperial College, London, UK.
Dr Georgios Kontellas. Former PhD-student (2015-2022), now postdoc at the University of Exeter, UK.
Dr Skye Marshall. Former PhD-student (2016-2021), now Scientific writer/editor at Notch Communications, UK.
Dr Anabel Rice. Former PhD-student (2017-2021), now Senior Policy Manager (Genetic Technologies) at the Food Standards Agency, UK.
Regine Haugland. Former MSc-student (2020-2021), now laboratory technician at Tine AS, Norway.
Kaneez Fatima. Former MSc-student (2019-2020), now PhD-student at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
Dr Corey Holt. Former PhD-student (2015-2018) and postdoc (2019-2020), now Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Britsh Columbia, Canada.
Dr Maulood Turfah. Former PhD-student (2014-2019), now Lecturer at the University of Baghdad, College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Parasitology. Iraq.
Dr Jamie McFadzean. Former PhD-student (2014-2019), now Vaccination & Research Policy Lead at Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), UK.
Dr Diana Minardi. Former PhD-student (2013-2017), now Molecular Biologist at the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), UK.
Dr Sheera Abdulla. Former PhD-student (2011-2016), now Laboratory Manager at The Rosalind Franklin Institute, UK.
Dr Michael Bottery. Former MRes-student Bioinformatics (2013), now Sir Henry Wellcome Fellow at the University of Manchester, UK.
Dr Maria Siegesmund. Former PhD-student (2007-2011) and post-doc (2011), now working at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department of Experimental Phycology and Culture Collection of Algae, Germany and retrained as secondary school science teacher, Germany.
Dr Kerem Terali. Former PhD-student (2006-2010), now Associate Professor at the Near East University in Cyprus.
Dr Kailash Chand. Former Post-doc (2009-2010), now Scientist E ( Ramalingaswami Fellow) at the National Institute for Research in Environmental Health in India.
Dr Joseph Harvey. Former Wellcome Trust Vacation Scholar (Summer 2010). Now at Appleton Woods Ltd.
Dr Ifeanyi Nwachukwu. Former MSc Biocatalysis student (2009), now Assistant Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry at School of Public Health, Loma Linda University, USA.
Dr Nebibe Mutlu. Former Erasmus placement student (Summer 2009), now Associate Product Manager at Lonza, USA.
Dr Karleigh Hamblin. Former PhD-student (2005-2008), now at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Porton Down.
Dr Matthew Rogers. Former Post-doc (2007-2008), now Assistant Professor at the Medical School at the University of Pittsburgh, USA.
